The Indian smartwatch brand Fire-Boltt has officially announced its Gladiator smartwatch with premium looks. The newly unveiled smartwatch from the company has a similar design to the high-end Apple Watch Ultra. The watch is a counterpart of the top variant of the Apple smartwatch with a digital crown and strap.
The smartwatch comes with various health features like 123 sports modes, a heart rate monitor, and a blood oxygen monitoring sensor. Besides, the Gladiator has an IP67-rated body for dust and water resistance and comes with a crack-resistant display.
The brand hasn’t fully revealed the original pictures of the product but used the Watch Ultra images partially from Apple for promotion. Moreover, the smartwatch will go on sale from December 30 in India.
Let’s take a look at the features, complete specifications, pricing, and availability of the Fire-Boltt Gladiator smartwatch.
Fire-Boltt Gladiator Specifications
The Fire-Boltt Gladiator sports a 1.96-inch display with an HD resolution, a peak brightness of 600 nits, and an ultra-narrow frame design. The smartwatch features an IP67 rating making it water and dust-resistant along with resistance from cracks. Besides, the brand has brought the smartwatch with a microphone and speaker for making Bluetooth calls.
The watch arrives with features like Contacts and Dialer apps, a calculator app, a weather app, and an alarm app. Furthermore, the Gladiator watch comes with a camera shutter and water reminders. The users can make use of the physical crown provided on the side of the watch to navigate through the user interface.
The health features on the smartwatch include 123 sports modes with 5 GPS-assisted modes, including GPS running, GPS walking, GPS cycling, GPS on foot, and GPS trail. On the other hand, the watch supports 24 × 7 heart rate monitoring, SpO2 monitoring, sleep tracking, and women’s health monitoring.
The Gladiator smartwatch, with its battery pack, can last up to 7 days with a standby time of 20 days. However, the watch with Bluetooth calling usage will last for only up to 2 days. Users need not worry, as Fire Boltt provides the smartwatch with fast charge support and a compatible charger. The fast charge feature can help the watch last for up to 24 hours with 10 minutes of charging time.
Price and Availability
The Fire-Boltt Gladiator smartwatch costs Rs. 2499 and arrives in three different color options Black, Blue, Gold, and Black Gold. The Gladiator smartwatch will be available on the popular e-commerce platform Amazon and on its official website. The brand will bring the smartwatch for sale from December 30 in India.
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