WhatsApp has been constantly on a roll in releasing new features. Ever since Facebook took over the most popular instant messaging platform, it keeps on receiving many attributes including video calls, statuses, and more.
For those who wanted to up their game, GBWhatsApp had been the last resort. The developers of this app took WhatsApp to another level by adding an extra layer of features. Way before regular WhatsApp users got Delete for Everyone option, GB users relished the same.
Popular Third-Party WhatsApp Client GBWhatsApp Shuts its Eyes
Android offers freedom for developers to get on board with their ideas. However, the legitimacy of those ideas is completely on another ground. People have been enjoying the power of custom ROMs for quite some time now. You may already know how Google Camera port produces better images than stock on non-Pixel smartphones.
GBWhatsApp is one such unofficial app build developed by people in no way connected to the official developers. They have been adding features on the platform from time to time to increase their user-base. Although the official developers occasionally banned those who used GBWhatsApp, there hasn’t been a mass action.
Before GBWhatsApp, WhatsApp+ created a buzz on the instant messaging arena. As the people behind the official application started hunting unofficial builds, WhatsApp+ demised. Ever since its expiry, GBWhatsApp seems to cheer up the feature-seeking users.
As you read earlier, WhatsApp+ lost to the policy violations. Somehow, GBWhatsApp evaded all the policy violations. As the platform rose to the popularity due to the customization options, WhatsApp has decided to knock it down. Recently, they renewed the fight specifically targeting GBWhatsApp.
It looks like the developers have given up on GBWhatsApp. Through their Telegram channel, they conveyed that the service is shutting down with no further developments expected. They haven’t specified the reason for the decision. Chances are WhatsApp threatened the developers to sue them if they continue running the application. It happened in the past with popular WhatsApp-related applications.
There is another version from the same developers named GBWhatsApp3. By assessing the recent turn of events, we expect it to stop functioning as well.
The last version of GBWhatsApp to come out is 7.0. They rolled out the update on June 20, 2019 as a remedy for the ban. In case you are using this application, you can keep on doing it until the end of August. You will not receive updates anymore.
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