Fire-Boltt Ring Plus smartwatch launched as the latest wearable device in India. The watch features a large square display, health tracking options, and sports modes. The new smartwatch from the Indian AIoT brand comes with Bluetooth calling support and a water-resistant build.
Previously, the company brought a couple of interesting smartwatches at affordable pricing that grabbed many consumers’ needs. This time the brand has brought a larger screen and a crown on the side similar to the Apple watch.
The watch arrives as a budget offering for Indian audiences and competes with the likes of Noise, Dizo, Realme, and Redmi smartwatches. Let’s take a look at the features, full specifications, pricing, and availability of the Fire-Boltt Ring Plus smartwatch in India.
Fire-Boltt Ring Plus Specifications
The Ring Plus smartwatch from Fire Boltt sports a large 1.91-inch screen that comes with screen a resolution of 240 x 280 pixels. The square dial of the watch comes with a traditional crown button on the top right side for navigation.
Besides, the strap of the watch flaunts a textured design that gives an overall elegant look. The watch with its proprietary OS comes included with 100 watch faces. The watch faces provided on the watch showcase different sets of information as per users’ requirements.
The latest smartwatch from the brand has a water-resistant build that can withstand a depth of up to 5-metres enabling users to have long swimming sessions. Moreover, the Ring Plus watch comes equipped with a heart-rate monitor, SpO2 sensor, sleep tracker, and menstrual cycle tracking.
The company has included features such as sedentary and hydration reminders on the smartwatch. On the other hand, the watch can track 100+ sports which include basketball, football, climbing, tennis, and many more.
The watch supports Bluetooth calling takes advantage of the built-in mic and speaker and the device even includes a quick dial pad, call history, and contacts syncing. Additionally, the watch comes with a voice assistant for hands-free controls and built-in games.
The built-in games on the smartwatch include Thunder Battleship and Young Bird. What’s more? the watch even features a notifications display, weather updates, camera and music control, and more.
Price and Availability
The Fire-Boltt Ring Plus smartwatch gets a price tag of Rs 2,499 and flaunts in Navy Blue, Red, White, Pink, and Black shades. The sale of the smartwatch has begun on November 12th in the country. You can purchase the smartwatch from Fire-Boltt’s official website, Amazon in India.
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