Fastrack Reflex Play has officially launched in India, loaded with sports modes, many watch faces, and sensors. The watch-making company forayed into the smartwatch space a very long time back. Now, the brand has brought this smartwatch with an AMOLED display that supports Always-on-Display.
There are a couple of sensors on the watch to show the user’s health stats, and numerous cloud watch faces to showcase different stats. It’s the second smartwatch from Fastrack this year after its launch of Reflex Vox in February. Let’s check out the Specifications, Features, Pricing, and Availability of the Fastrack Reflex Play.
Fastrack Reflex Play Specifications
The Fastrack Reflex Play sports a 1.3-inch AMOLED display with a circular aluminum dial and supports the Always-on-Display feature. The watch is compatible with Android and iOS smartphones, with a dedicated application with customization features and health tracking options.
The health tracking features include 24-hour heart rate monitoring, blood oxygen (SpO2) monitoring, blood pressure tracking, and sleep tracking.
The smartwatch comes with the support of many activity tracking options along with 25+ sports modes. The sports on the Reflex Play include Cricket, Football, Basketball, Yoga, and much more. The watch arrives with a silicon strap, and the brand has even added built-in games.
The watch comes with IP68 certification for dust and water resistance. There are 100+ cloud-based watch faces for customization purposes that shows different stats. The Reflex Play smartwatch can last up to 7 days on a single charge with Always-on-display turned on.
Price and Availability
The Fastrack Reflex Play flaunts four distinctive color options – black, blue, orange, and pink shades. This smartwatch from the brand gets a price tag of Rs. 7,995. However, Amazon India brings the Reflex Play smartwatch at a discounted price of Rs. 5,995 for a limited period. Fastrack has even initiated a 10% discount for Bank of Baroda cardholders.
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