When we published an article about WhatsApp dare messages and questions, we received a very good response. Today we decided to write one more WhatsApp dare article with even more interesting WhatsApp dare games, WhatsApp dare messages and WhatsApp dare questions.
To recall, WhatsApp is the most popular text messaging app in India, it got huge popularity in the last couple of years and it is now a trend for people to send WhatsApp dares over chat and voice notes.
Along with WhatsApp dare games, WhatsApp dare messages and WhatsApp dare questions, we noticed people used to search for WhatsApp status updates. But after introducing Snapchat like WhatsApp stories, people stopped concentrating on WhatsApp text-based status and started focusing on new multimedia WhatsApp status. Can you believe that the users have started playing WhatsApp dare games in statuses too?
To be in precise, recently one of our friends shared an image of the boarding pass to New York in his WhatsApp story. As usual, I replied to his status and guess what, someone dared him to post that WhatsApp status and now I was dared to do the same. It looks very interesting to me too.

One thing we understood very clearly, we can play this WhatsApp dare with anyone irrespective of the age group. So today we decided to spend an entire day to prepare our own list of best WhatsApp dare games for friends, WhatsApp games for couples and much more.
While doing our research, I observed people also started searching for WhatsApp questions and answers game, WhatsApp slam book questions, etc. If you don’t know these dare games can also be played with smileys and if you are looking for Whatsapp dare choose smiley questions, don’t worry we covered it in this article already.
So are you ready to view our list of WhatsApp dare games and questions with answers? You can just copy any of these WhatsApp dares and send it to your contacts. The best part is we have a different list of WhatsApp dare questions for friends, lovers, best friends, for status, quiz, puzzles, etc.
The ultimate list of WhatsApp Dare Games, Messages, and Questions with Answers
Here is our complete list of WhatsApp dare games, messages, and questions along with answers. To maintain good user experience, we separated all these WhatsApp dares into many categories as below. You can simply click on any WhatsApp dare category and we’ll take you to the desired set of WhatsApp dares. I repeat you can use these WhatsApp dares on your friends, best friends, partners, boyfriend, girlfriend, lovers, etc.
So without any further delay, let’s start our list of WhatsApp dare messages, WhatsApp dare games, and WhatsApp dare questions with their answers.
Funny WhatsApp Dares
Everyone loves being funny and you can make others and yourself laugh out loud by sending these funny WhatsApp dares to your friends.
Select any one of your favorite multiple of ten between 10 and 100. I can say your life partner’s character. This is going to be really fun.
10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100
Please reply fast.
10: Fighter but caring.
20: Smiling face.
30: Your life partner is a non-stop kisser once started kissing.
40: Every day is a honeymoon with your partner.
50: You both make a perfect couple and made for each other.
60: Always shows love and care for you.
70: Get’s angry about everything.
80: Most irritating life partner. Sorry, but it is true.
90: Your life partner always wanted to spend time with you.
100: Your life partner treats you and your child in the same way. True love.
New WhatsApp Dare Messages
Here is a new WhatsApp dare message that is doing rounds in WhatsApp recently. Send this dare to your friends who are unmarried and see what type of partner they get.
Select any one book from the list below. I’ll tell you about your life partner character. Choose carefully.
Caring and loving partner. Difficult to find such a partner and you must be very lucky.
Very bold and straightforward. You need to think twice before arguing.
The deep thinker and romantic. Perfect life partner for you.
Fashionable, social and stylish. You will be happy with your partner forever.
Selfish and money minded. Be careful with your partner. They love money than you.
Annoying but protective.
Innocent and kind-hearted. Everyone will love and respect your partner.
New WhatsApp Dare Questions
These simple WhatsApp dare questions will help you to know how much your friends love you.
1. What is my contact name on your mobile?
Answer: ___________________
2. The nick name you always wanted to call me?
Answer: ____________________
3. What are the things you like in me the most?
Answer: _____________________
4. Which color dresses suits me the best?
Answer: _____________________
5. What type of relationship do you expect from me?
Answer: _____________________
6. What is that one thing that I have to change in my character?
Answer: _____________________
7. Which habit of mine you hate the most?
Answer: ____________________
8. The stype of dresses you always wanted to see me?
Answer: ____________________
9. Describe our relationship with three sentences.
Answer: ____________________
10. Are you expecting more than friendship from me?
Answer: _____________________
Send these new WhatsApp dare messages to your friends and check out how much love they had for you.
New WhatsApp Dares
Here is a latest and new WhatsApp dare message which you can send to anyone.
Tell me one thing from the below list which you like the most in me.
- I like your attitude a lot.
- I like your cuteness a lot.
- Really I love your dimples and I’m already in love with them.
- I like your dressing style.
- I admire your sharp eyes.
- Frankly, I like your jealousy.
- I like your lips.
- I love your personality.
- Believe me, I like your physique.
- I like your smile.
Send this message to all of your friends and if any five of your friends sends you the same answer, that is the quality your friends like more in you.
WhatsApp Number Dares
WhatsApp number dares are very common questions we receive in WhatsApp every day. Someone will send you a message asking you to pick a number between a certain range. You need to pick a number and they will send the dare attached to that number and you have to do it.
WhatsApp Dare 1 to 50
WhatsApp dare:
Pick a number between 1 and 50 and I’ll dare you according to the selected number.
- Give a rose to your crush.
- Buy me an iPhone X.
- What do you think about me?
- Bring me a glass of water.
- Gift me something when we meet next time.
- Biryani Party.
- Take a selfie with your parents and send it to me.
- Recharge my mobile number for 1oo bucks.
- Cry like a baby.
- Message your Facebook password.
- Let’s go for a walk.
- Take a selfie with me when we meet next time.
- Send any 5 pictures of you.
- Uninstall your WhatsApp for 24 hours.
- Send any voice note to me.
- Buy me any gift you like.
- Plan a surprise for me.
- Give a nickname to me.
- Don’t message me for the next 4 days.
- A long ride with me.
- Buy a watch for me.
- Write about me in your WhatsApp Status.
- Send the screenshots of your last 3 WhatsApp conversations (Don’t include mine).
- Download my WhatsApp profile picture and use the same for your DP.
- Wear the smallest dress you had, take a selfie and send it to me.
- Call me and talk for 1 hour.
- Block me on WhatsApp for 2 days.
- Send a message saying “I Miss You” to any 5 contacts. If they respond, play the same dare with them
- Rate my DP out of 10.
- Take a picture of your location and send it to me.
- Mass dance for a sad song, record it and send it to me.
- Change your WhatsApp status saying you are in love with me.
- Call me and make annoying sounds.
- A selfie with me when we meet next time.
- Give me a hug for 2 minutes.
- Shout me like your dad.
- Make a monkey face and send a picture to me.
- Send any funny message to your best friend.
- Don’t bath for the next 2 days.
- Let’s date.
- Send me your cute picture.
- Imagine your pillow as me and do whatever you want.
- Call me and speak something.
- Put a WhatsApp status with my picture and describe our character.
- Make a call to customer care and talk nonsense for 10 minutes.
- Sing your favorite song and send it as a voice note.
- Slap yourself and record it.
- Who is your crush?
- Don’t sleep for an entire night.
- Wear the same clothes for 2 days without washing.
WhatsApp Alphabet Dares
The next common type of WhatsApp dares we mostly receive is WhatsApp alphabet dares. You need to select an alphabet and your friend will send the dare linked to that alphabet.
WhatsApp Dare Choose Alphabet
Hello buddy. How are you doing? Let’s play a small WhatsApp dare game using the alphabets. Select any alphabet between A and Z and I’ll send you one dare. Send it to all your friends and see what WhatsApp dare they will get.
WhatsApp Dare:
Select an alphabet from A-Z. After that, you have to change your WhatsApp status according to the selected alphabet.
- I successfully got my pregnancy.
- I’m ready to accept your proposal.
- I’m in love with my friend’s lover.
- Don’t ask my picture I’m ugly now.
- Recently I forgot my heart with you. Please give it back to me. I’m dying for you.
- I’m a foody person and my main hobby is eating
- Right now I’m in a secret place with my crush; don’t disturb us.
- I wish to be a buffalo in my next life.
- I’m applying my makeup now.
- You fool don’t speak to me ever again
- I’m a mental patient.
- I hate you all. Leave me alone
- Am I looking cute?
- A heartbroken person.
- Sorry I’m a cheater
- I’m a bad person.
- I’d like to kill you and drink your blood
- I’m in love
- I like sleeping
- I miss my ex badly
- Oh, god!! my crush is in love with my best friend.
- I Miss You.
- Don’t message me again.
- I’m getting married next week.
- I was an Idiot.
- I’m your rowdy baby.
- Don’t ever try to cheat me.
If anyone responds to your WhatsApp status, they have to play the same WhatsApp dare.
WhatsApp Dare Games for Facebook

– Upload your crush picture as your Facebook profile picture
– Write what you want to be in the future on your Facebook timeline.
– Add a Facebook story saying you are in love with someone.
– Change your Facebook name to your crush’s name.
– Tell me your Facebook password.
– Replace your profile picture with a cute monkey.
– On spot, take a selfie of what you are doing right now and post it on your timeline.
– Write my name on your Facebook status for 6 hours.
– Replace your current Facebook profile picture with a crying baby.
– Write about me on your Facebook timeline.
– Recharge my mobile for 198/- and share the screenshot on Facebook.
– Write something about your personal life on my Facebook wall.
– Replace your Facebook profile picture with my picture
– Propose me on Facebook Messenger right now.
– Write how do you feel when you are with me on my Facebook timeline.
– Describe our relationship with a romantic song on Facebook Messenger.
– Like and comment on all my Facebook profile pictures.
– Reply to all your unanswered messages on Facebook.
– Write “I Love You” along with my name in your Facebook bio.
– Change your relationship status to Engaged.
– Reveal your deepest secret in our Facebook group chat.
– Confirm all your pending friend requests.
– Send a screenshot of your Facebook activity log.
– I’ll now send you an image and upload it as your Facebook profile picture.
– Send friendship quotes to your best friends, screenshot them and send it to me.
– Change your Facebook cover photo to something funny.
– Don’t use Facebook for two days.
– Deactivate your Facebook account for a month.
– Make a collage of our pictures and make it as your Facebook profile picture.
WhatsApp Dare Games for Friends
Try this WhatsApp dare game for friends to give them a chance to know a secret about you. Send this message and know how caring your friends are.
If you want to know about one of my personals, then I’m giving you a chance. Ask one from the below 35 questions and I’ll answer it honestly. Select carefully, 0nly one question is allowed. You can not change it once asked.
- Do you ever face a near-death experience?
- Did you ever try to kill yourself?
- Are you happy with your life?
- What is your height and are you satisfied?
- What is the name of your best friend from the opposite gender?
- Are you happy with your body weight?
- Are you happy with your life?
- When was your last kiss and with whom?
- What do you notice first in boys?
- Who is that person who knows all secrets about you?
- What is your actual age?
- Have you ever had tattoos?
- Which one do you prefer – movies or books?
- Are you single?
- What is your favorite song?
- Do you ever watch a dirty video?
- What is the name of your best friend of the same gender?
- What is your favorite TV serial?
- Have you ever been abused in public?
- Tell me about your hidden talents?
- What is your middle name?
- What do you notice first in a girl?
- How many proposals have you received till now?
- Which one do you prefer? love or arranged marriage?
- Have you ever did something and regret now?
- What is the biggest secret about you that no one knows?
- Do you ever wish to restart your life?
- Who is the most important person in your life?
- Who do you like most in your life?
- What is your biggest dream?
- Do you ever abuse anyone and regret it now?
- Have you ever hurt yourself?
- What is your favorite sport?
- Are you friend zoned by someone?
- Have you every cried loud for someone?
WhatsApp Dare Games for Lovers
Playing dare games with lovers will be funny as usual. Have you ever tried any WhatsApp dare games for lovers using hearts? If no, then you should try this right now.
Pick any one heart from below red hearts and I’ll dare you something interesting and you have to play the dare.
Dares: Send these dares immediately when you receive a reply from your lover.
1 – Take a selfie using your back camera and send it to me.
2 – Put my name as your WhatsApp status saying that you want to marry me.
3 – Text me I love you for 2 days every hour.
4 – Sing your favorite song and send it as a voice note.
5 – Send me a voice clip speaking about me at least for 1 minute.
6 – Eat 1 spoon of salt.
7 – 30 pushups with one hand.
8 – Be my best friend for 2 days.
9 – Create a collage of our photos and set it as your WhatsApp profile picture.
10 – Lucky you. You need to do the dares as mentioned in 2, 8 and 15.
11 – Send I Love You 100 times to me.
12 – Take a selfie and send it to me.
13 – Do a video call for 10 minutes and don’t speak anything.
14 – Add my profile picture to your WhatsApp status and add a caption saying that you love me.
15 – Flirt with me using emojis.
WhatsApp Dare Hand Movement
We all know smilies are very helpful to convey messages if we can not express in words directly. We use hand emojis frequently when you want to express your anger or happiness or while expressing your likes and dislikes. Why don’t we try a WhatsApp dare hand movement game which will be funny? Try the below WhatsApp dare hand movement dare to have a good time with your buddies.
Chose any one hand moment and get ready to accept my dare.
Give me a surprise treat.
Request me to hangout out with you.
Make a call to me at midnight and say I LOVE YOU.
Take me for an ice cream treat.
Delete my phone number from your contacts.
Write “I’m Mad” in your WhatsApp status for two days.
Call me immediately after you wake up in the morning and yell my name in a loud voice.
Make my picture as your WhatsApp chat wallpaper and send our WhatsApp conversation screenshot.
I need a favor from you and you have to do it.
Do you think our present relationship will lead to marriage?
Write “weds” in between in your name and my name in your status for 2 days.
Write “Please Love Me (with my name) “ in your WhatsApp status.
Make a video call and show me what you’re doing right now.
Send me your cutest selfie.
What’s your deepest secret you are hiding from me?
What do you feel about me?
Take a selfie with broom & send it to me.
What is the one thing you always wanted to say me?
Act like my slave for 3 days.
Do you want a change in my attitude?
What is the one thing that you like that most in my character?
Send a voice clip to me saying I wanna marry you soon.
Write my name in 5 different national languages in your WhatsApp status.
Send me the first photo of you with your crush.
WhatsApp Dare Quiz
Do you want to test the smartness of your friends? Then you should send them these WhatsApp dare quiz questions and see how many of your friends will answer them.
Smartness test for you. If you can answer all these 5 questions, I will add your image to my WhatsApp status saying you are the smartest person. No cheating. You should not use Google. If you cheat, our friendship will break in the next 7 days.
Top 5 tough questions to answer.
- What is the largest freshwater lake in the world?
- In which place the sea of Tranquility located?
- Lexicon has another word. Can you tell the name?
- What is the seventh planet from the sun?
- Who invented vaccination for Rabies?
- Lake Superior.
- The Moon.
- Dictionary.
- Uranus.
- Louis Pasteur.
If you answer all 5 questions correctly, stop using WhatsApp and do something useful with your talent.
WhatsApp Dares Choose Smiley

Here is an interesting WhatsApp dares by choosing a smiley. Select a smiley below and get ready for my dares.
Tell me a secret about your family
Tell me a secret about your relationship with me?
Combine our pictures and put it as your WhatsApp profile picture for 1 day.
Send a voice clip saying that you are really in love with me.
Don’t text me for 2 days.
Write “I’m deeply in love with [my name]” in your WhatsApp status with pink background and two hearts.
Edit one of your picture with a monkey beside you and make it as your WhatsApp profile picture.
Give me a treat for no reason.
Send your best friend’s mobile number.
Send a voice clip saying “Are you crazy”
Send me the first picture that your crush sent to you.
Write “I Miss You (My Name)” in your status for one day.
Take a selfie immediately and send it to me.
Don’t talk to me for 1 day.
Take me to your relative’s party.
Send me a picture of you wearing a traditional dress.
What am I to your parents?
Which secret makes you more beautiful?
Send me a voice clip saying my name in a baby voice.
Write your mobile number on your college/school notice board.
WhatsApp Dares for Girlfriend
Girls will surely have a favorite color and today we have this WhatsApp dares for girlfriend using colors. Send this WhatsApp dare to your girlfriend and enjoy.
Choose your favorite color from below and get ready for my dare.
- Red.
- Blue.
- Green.
- Yellow.
- Purple.
- Black.
- White.
- Pink.
- Orange.
- Brown.
- Gray.
- Gold.
- Silver.
- Violet.
- Beige
- Red — Propose me in a different style.
- Blue — Come out for a drive tomorrow.
- Green — Spend your next 2 hours with me in the park.
- Yellow — Select one wedding invitation and send it to me.
- Purple — Hug me in public place.
- Black — Send a picture of your eyes.
- White — Come out for lunch today.
- Pink — Hug me whenever you meet me next time.
- Orange — Give me an ice-cream treat.
- Brown — Make a video call and talk for 1 hour.
- Gray — Treat me when we meet next time.
- Gold — Distribute chocolates on my birthday in an orphanage.
- Silver — Gift me a silver ring.
- Violet — Make a voice call and talk crazy.
- Beige — Be my slave for three days.
WhatsApp Games for Couples
This WhatsApp game for couples is useful when you are texting with your partner. Try this small WhatsApp game for couples.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20Reply fast. It is interesting. From today I’ll call you with that name
- Babe
- Chipkoo
- My Darling
- My Dear
- Pappu
- Sweet Honey
- Idiot
- My Jaanu
- My heartbeat
- Lovely
- My love
- Mental
- Crazy Monkey
- Geek
- Fat piggy
- Beautiful
- Stupid
- Sweetheart
- Tubelight
- Donkey
WhatsApp Puzzle Dares
Read this WhatsApp puzzle dare slowly and answer my question. Recently when I visited a famous seashore, I noticed a big famous ship there and I saw a person on the ship whose name is Geek Dashboard. I asked him about the history of that ship and he explained everything. Later I understood that Geek Dashboard is the captain of that famous ship and What is the name of Captain Geek Dashboard ship.
Now I check whether you have been paying attention or not. What is the name of the famous ship?
Notice the last sentence of the riddle; “What is the name of Captain Geek Dashboard ship.” Send this WhatsApp puzzle dare to your friends and see how many can answer this puzzle.
WhatsApp Question and Answer Dare Game
This WhatsApp questions and answer game is very simple. First, send all below 10 questions to your friend and wait for their reply. Once you receive the answers, send the dares again which are provided below.
Let’s play a question and answer dare game. Answer to all my 10 questions and I’ll send the dare after receiving your answers. Reply fast. I’m waiting.
Q1: What is your favorite color?
Q2: What is your favorite chocolate?
Q3: What is your nearby favorite theater?
Q4: What is your favorite TV show?
Q5: Which is your favorite place in our city?
Q6: What is your favorite ice-cream?
Q7: What are your favorite pictures of mine?
Q8: Who is your previous crush?
Q9: What is your favorite book?
Q10: Which actor/actress you like most?
Send these dares once you get all answers for the above questions.
Q1 Dare: Take a picture by wearing the same color dress and place it as your WhatsApp display picture.
Q2 Dare: Give that chocolate whenever we met next time.
Q2 Dare: Book tickets for us whatever movie is playing in that theater.
Q4 Dare: Send me the last episode of that show.
Q5 Dare: Take me to that place at midnight.
Q6 Dare: Take me to ice cream parlor and buy your favorite ice-cream for me.
Q7 Dare: Put that picture as your WhatsApp display picture for three days.
Q8 Dare: Make a call to him/her and say “I’m in Love with someone”
Q9 Dare: You have to give the same book you like the most as a birthday gift to me.
Q10 Dare: Place their picture as your Whatsapp profile picture along with a status of “I Love you, Darling.”
WhatsApp Slam Book Questions
Slam books are one of our best memories and it can recall your childhood when you read them back. But most of you might have lost those books somewhere. Not a problem, send this WhatsApp slam book questions to your friends and get ready for their lovely answers.
- How do you spend your time when you are free?
- Who is your first crush in school?
- What are the positive points in your character?
- Define love and friendship in one word each.
- Your favorite color? and why?
- What is the thing that inspires you a lot?
- Which sports do you like the most?
- What is my name in your contacts list?
- Describe your life with a file name.
- Suggest a website for me which I would like.
- What are the two negative points in you?
- Do you hate anyone from your childhood?
- What is your aim in your life?
- What is life according to you? Describe in one word.
- Have you ever loved someone but failed to express your feelings?
- If we meet after 5 years. What would you like to ask me?
- What is your best memory as a child?
- Give any 2 reasons why people would love me?
- What is the best thing that everyone should know about you?
- Describe our friendship and how we used to spend time in childhood.
- If you have the power to fly anywhere. Where would you go and why?
WhatsApp Status Dares
The new trend in WhatsApp is playing dare games using WhatsApp Status. Here is a simple WhatsApp status dare which you can start playing right now.
Download the below image (Right click/Long press and select Save Image As) and upload it into your WhatsApp status. (Click here for high-resolution image)

Whoever replay or question about your status, send them this message.
Conclusion for WhatsApp dare games, messages, questions with answers
I hope you like our ultimate collection of WhatsApp dares, WhatsApp dare games, WhatsApp dares messages, and WhatsApp dare questions with answers. You can use this collection when you are texting your friends, best friends, boyfriend, girlfriend, lovers, couples, etc. Don’t forget to try our WhatsApp smiley dare, WhatsApp story dare and WhatsApp alphabet dares which will be really funny.
If you receive any dares on your WhatsApp which are not mentioned in this WhatsApp dares list, please spend a minute and comment on this article. We’ll modify the commented WhatsApp dare and add them to our collection.
Ap mere ware me kesa sochte ho ek no choose krne ke bad PTA lag jayega ??
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. Boring
2. lovely
3. Kamina
4. Sweet
5. Faltu
6. Smart
7. Dashing
8. Awesome
9. Fake
10. Nice
Plz snd dare game for cousins plzzzz
Great list for Dare Games. I also love to challenge my friends. I want to see them face the truth and Dare. I bookmarked this site for next visit. Thank you for amazing list.