You might have got that black dot with click here text on WhatsApp, which froze the platform for a while. We already reported another beta bug on the application as well. Similar to that, another bug has surfaced on the most popular instant messaging platform.
WhatsApp rolls out regular updates with new features. Most of the times, people don’t quickly come to know about them given the subtle nature of them. The developers try their best to keep it bug-free. However, they can’t always achieve the aim.
A Bug on WhatsApp Lets Blocked Parties Message and View Status/Profile

You know what it means to be blocked on WhatsApp. When someone blocks us, we can’t message them, let alone, it is impossible to see their profile as well. No matter how bad you want to see their status, the blockage doesn’t let you do so.
The new bug doesn’t impose any limitation in case someone blocks you. Means, you can still private message them, see their profile and status too. The Independent spotted the bug first and many people tweeted about it as well. Both Android and iPhone users have encountered the issue. So, it can be a problem from the server side (not just the application build).
We happened to know that the company is aware of the issue and they are working on the fix. They will most probably roll out a new update, solving the problem.
Further evaluation of the issue revealed that the problem arises with the contacts you blocked long ago. You won’t get any issue with the recently blocked parties. (Of course, the bug haven’t made its way to all the users, but to a small portion).
You know what is the purpose of block feature on WhatsApp. When someone does that, you can’t see anything from them. Moreover, they won’t get even a single message as well. We hope WhatsApp will roll out a temporary fix soon.
WhatsApp is preparing the group calling feature for the users. A number of selected iOS and Android beta users already received it. WhatsApp iOS version 2.18.52 and Android beta version 2.18.145 users report they can see an Add Participant option after getting connected to a video call.