WhatsApp has a monopoly when it comes to instant messaging applications. With more than one billion users around the globe, it dominates over every other app out there. Even the Mountain View giant Google failed to defy the supremacy of WhatsApp with their own offerings.
However, there are quite a few applications that possess their own audience-base. Certainly, Telegram is one of them. Even though it couldn’t surpass WhatsApp in terms of popularity, the developers are striving hard to come on top.
Telegram Adds Muted Messages and Other Features to Defy WhatsApp
Privacy and WhatsApp never go hand in hand. Comes under the umbrella of Facebook, the application is always in the blacklist of cyber security experts. It’s the other way round in the case of Telegram. People believe it is secure than WhatsApp.
Let’s have a look at the new features the platform brings. The first one is muted messages. When you keep your phone in normal mode, it chimes on getting a notification. In case you forget to keep it silent, chances are you will be annoyed by the sound. The muted messages eliminate this. Making use of this feature, you can send a message without disturbing the user. On the downside, they can’t know they received a message before picking up the phone on the will.
Are you an admin of an aggressively updating group? The members send messages too often to keep a track of it? Don’t worry! Telegram has a solution for this issue as well. The admins can switch their groups to what called a Slow Mode. It helps them choose a time interval within which a member can send only one message. For them to send the second, the chosen time limit should exhaust.
The recent update brings another privilege to admins. They can now choose a custom title to be displayed on the platform. Moreover, everyone using an Apple device gets an option to change the accent colour for the night mode.
The developers have refined the way the attachment menu looks like on Android. They have selected large thumbnails. Plus, you can now see the entire gallery by scrolling up.
Just like on YouTube, the users can now see a preview of the video they receive. It will help them save time as they don’t have to download a video they don’t want.
You are familiar with timestamps, aren’t you? If you send a timestamp (say 0.44) with a video, it will automatically turn itself to a link. Clicking on the same will play the video from that specific time.
So, are you using Telegram? Did you manage to find these on your device? Share your experience with us in the comment section.
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