iQoo is set to make its debut in India on February 25. Before hitting the smartphone market with its first smartphone in India it got leaked. Well, the internet is filled with rumors. Earlier, the company was serving it as India’s first 5G smartphone. But, Realme played a placed its 50X a day before the iQoo launch event.
The company has already confirmed a few details about the smartphone through the teaser. The teaser reveals a quad-cam setup with a 48 MP primary camera at the back. The smartphone will come with an integrated AI eye-tracking technology as well.
Furthermore, the director of iQoo India Gagan Arora has confirmed that the phone will be powered by the latest and the most powerful chipset from Qualcomm i.e, Snapdragon 865.
As mentioned above the smartphone is going to be a 5G ready phone. But, the good news is the device will be coming in both 4G and 5G variant. Before, you ask how this is good news.
iQoo 3 Leaked Specs
The specs and hands-on images are leaked from Weibo. The iQoo3 will feature ‘Poloview’ display, and it going to be an E3 super AMOLED panel. The touch response rate here is 180Hz.
Well, it’s worth mentioning here that, the touch response rate and display refresh rate both are different things. For now, we have no information about the refresh rate of the device.
As mentioned above, the device will come with Snapdragon 865 SoC and would be coupled with 8GB of RAM and 128GB of internal storage.
The RAM used in the device is LPDDR5 and the storage type is UFS3.1. The keeps the light on, it has a 4,440mAh battery which supports 55W super Flash Charging.
As the company is placing it as a gaming device. The smartphone has some special features for gaming, it has an Ultra game mode, 4D game vibration, and eagle-eye display enhancement. Additionally, the smartphone will come with Hi-Fi AK4377A with Hi-Res Audio.
iQoo 3 Features & Price
According to the leaked specs sheet the device will ship in three different colors including Volcano Orange, Tornado Black, and Quantum Silver.
The 4G variant will be priced around Rs 35,000 in India, whereas the 5G version will start from Rs 40,000.
For now, we have limited information about the device. However, what do you think will this phone give a tough fight to the upcoming Realme X50? Or will it snatch all the attention from Poco X2?
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