Password protecting your files in micro SD card is a smart choice to protect your private data in case it is stolen or lost. But this protection leisure may turn out to be a really big problem in case you forget the password. What do you do when you forget the password for your SD card. So here is a post which will help you recover your SD card in case you forget the password.
Now there are several methods by which you can do it, and the methods are listed below.
Method 1 ( Only Works for Symbian Mobiles)
Here are making use of Nokia Symbian mobile to recover SD card password as it makes our work damn easier.
- Insert the Memory card in any Symbian phone.
- Download and Install FExplorer in the device.
- Open the app and navigate to the path C:system
- Locate the file mmcstore and rename it as mmcstore.txt
- Now copy that file and paste it your computer, and open it.
- It will be a notepad file and will contain the password to your SD card.
Method 2:
- This method also works only on Nokia Symbian devices. If the above method fails to work, then try this trick to recover password from SD card.
- Insert the card in a Symbian phone
- Download and install the X-plore.
- Open the app and press ‘0‘, and then mark the option “Show System Files“.
- New after you have done the above step, go to the file C:/Sys/Data/Mmcstore
- Once you are in the above specified directory, press option 3, and then jeez viewer will get active.
- In this view, you will get several rows and columns which forms a table like structure.
- Now in the third column you will see the code like, TMSD02G (g ??”? x???3?k?p?3?9), here the characters between the question marks make your password.
- In this case our password is g”x3kp39
Note: If you are unable to find the Mmcstore, it indirectly says there is not password currently set for the SD card.
Method 3:
One of the best way to remove the Password from your SD card is placing the memory card in any E series smartphone of Nokia, or in the Nokia N95 and related series. Once SD card is inserted properly, Go to card properties and select Format
Here are formatting the data and it won’t ask for any password. Make sure you don’t have any important data on the card and everything in the card will get deleted. Once the format is done, all data along with Password is removed. So next time, your mobile won’t force you to type the password.
So this was a small tutorial by which you could easily recover the lost password.
I am using Nokia 6303 classic..
It was with it i created the password on my microSD card.
The night i was creating it was a very very rough one…it has been almost 6 month now i got locked out from my microSD card…i could have remmeber the password through ‘wikihow suggestions’ but when inputing the password it was changing to *** on every ‘personal info’ i was inputing.
I have tried all i can to think so hard…focus so hard for about 3hrs ‘computing all other password i do use else where…it’s still ‘password incorrect’.
I am just patiently waiting ’cause i am a music freak and i got the feelings (FExplorer and X plore) would help solve my qualms.
The main problem i have now is
i got no symbian phone.
So goodluck my fellow co qualms!