If you are a webmaster then you know how hard it is to choose the right web hosting provider. There are hundreds of providers offering shared hosting packages at different price ranges. It is also very hard to find the right one in your budget without compromising security, speed and more importantly customer service. It is almost impossible to try each and every hosting plan and choose the best. The overall process is time-consuming and also costs aren’t worth the effort.
So now you might be thinking how can it be done? Don’t worry someone already did all the work for you and they are HRANK.
HRANK is a website which contains all the data from more than 304 shared hosting providers. You can find the list of shared hosting plans and sort them out according to your budget, features and other metrics. HRANK can also be termed as the short form of Hosting Rank. You might be hearing the name for the first time, So let have a look at some more information about the site.
What is HRANK?
HRANK is a rating system which takes a number of metrics into consideration and ranks the best shared hosting plans. All the shared hosting providers are a given an HRANK which will help you decide whether the hosting is worth your money and time or not. HRANK is mainly classified into 3 categories, They are
- 0-3: Shared Hosting Plans to avoid
- 4-7: Shared Hosting Plans which you can give a try
- 8-10: Top Shared Hosting Plans which are a must try
Unlike some other tools, HRANK doesn’t consider only Uptime as a sole metric. It takes a lot of factors into consideration before deciding the HRANK for Shared Hosting Plans. All the metrics are updated at regular intervals to provide latest updated information for the consumers. The factors that are considered by HRANK are mentioned on the website for transparency, You can find them below as well.
- Uptime
- Price
- Age of the Company
- Customer Support
- Response Time
- Other Factors
These factors help in getting a clear picture of the hosting plans and also helps you to get best one out there.
How does HRANK actually work?
As mentioned above HRANK takes certain factors into consideration before deciding the rank for any hosting provider. They actively collect data from more than 40,000 shared servers which are spread among 300+ hosting providers. All the shared hosting servers monitored by HRANK contains a minimum of 50 websites which gives accurate results, As most of the shared hosting servers nowadays are overcrowded.
According to the statement, we found on their website:
They include the servers with 50 or more sites hosted on them. As it will help them cover a maximum number of servers and provide more reliable data. They also built a software for this purpose alone which analyses data and also provides Uptime as well as Response Time for each and every server.
They are also using bots coupled with the software to make the overall process automated. HRANK bot sends 288 Request/Server every 24 hours. They are totally random and unique as well. Customer Support is also a key factor in deciding HRANK of the site. Higher the HRANK better the customer support.
HRANK process a large data set with multiple factors taken into consideration. Their software has data about 50 million websites hosting provider and where they are exactly hosted. Uptime & response time are key factors helps them keep track of active and dead servers.
So let’s take a look at how to use HRANK to decide your next hosting provider.
How to Use HRANK?
It is easy to use HRANK as there is no need to download anything and you can find all the information on their website itself. Still, we are going to help you find your next hosting provider using HRANK.
- Navigate to HRANK website, You can click here or Type in “HRANK.com” on your web browser.
- You can find two options “Top Hosting” & “Choose Hosting“.
- If you choose Top Hosting then you will be presented with the top hosting providers.
- Choose Hosting lets you use filters the best hosting that suits you.
- The factors include Price, HRANK, No of Domains, Disk Space & Bandwidth.
- After selecting the factors, Click on view results and you are good to go.
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HRANK helps to find your next hosting provider without any customer support nightmares when you need the most. We are quite confident that HRANK recommendations are quite accurate as we are using one of the Top Hosting Provider for our internal sites. In case if you have any doubts then do lets us know via comments below.
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